% The title is set to `REANA-DB docs` instead of `REANA-DB` as this is a % workaround to avoid having multiple HTML objects with the same id/anchor, % as the tile clashes with the CLI API documentation generated by sphinx_click # REANA-DB docs ```{include} ../README.md :start-line: 1 :end-before: "## About" ``` ```{include} ../README.md :start-after: "## About" :end-before: "## Useful links" ``` ## Configuration ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_db.config :members: ``` ## API ### Database management ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_db.database :members: ``` ### Models ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_db.models :members: ``` ### Utilities ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_db.utils :members: ``` ## CLI API ```{eval-rst} .. click:: reana_db.cli:cli :prog: reana-db :show-nested: ``` ```{include} ../CHANGELOG.md :heading-offset: 1 ``` ```{include} ../CONTRIBUTING.md :heading-offset: 1 ``` ## License ```{eval-rst} .. include:: ../LICENSE ``` In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. ```{include} ../AUTHORS.md :heading-offset: 1 ```